Friday, August 23, 2024

Dealing With Disappointment 😣

Life, with its unexpected twists, often challenges our expectations. As we grow older, the reality of unmet desires and unfulfilled dreams becomes more apparent. The weight of disappointment can be overwhelming, but God provides a way through it.

When hopes are dashed, and tears begin to flow,  
Remember God's promise, He's with us in the woe.  
In every heartache, and every bitter night,  
His love remains steadfast, His presence our light.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Church History: 
Throughout the history of the Church, many saints have faced significant disappointments. The Apostle Paul, despite his unwavering faith, was imprisoned, beaten, and faced numerous hardships. Yet, he remained steadfast, trusting in God's greater plan. Similarly, the early Christians, who expected the immediate return of Christ, had to learn patience and perseverance as they continued their mission despite persecution and delays. Their faith serves as a powerful example of how to cope with disappointment by leaning on God's strength and promises.

1. Acknowledge the Reality of Disappointment 
   Disappointment is a natural part of life, and even the most faithful believers encounter it. In Psalm 34:18 (NIV), we read, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." God doesn't ignore our pain; instead, He draws near to us in our sorrow, offering comfort and hope.

2. Find Strength in God's Promises  
   When we face disappointment, it's crucial to anchor ourselves in God's promises. Romans 8:28 (ESV) reminds us, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Even in our darkest moments, God is at work, orchestrating everything for our ultimate good and His glory.

3. Trust in God's Sovereignty 
   Our disappointments often stem from unmet expectations, but God's plans are higher than ours. Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) encourages us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Trusting in God's sovereignty means surrendering our plans to Him and believing that He knows what's best for us, even when we don't understand.

My mission is to obediently share the Good News, always aiming to heed the Holy Spirit's leading. Today, I am compelled to emphasize a message that reflects God's view rather than my personal opinion:

As we journey through life, disappointments are inevitable, but they are not the end. God is with us in every valley, offering comfort, strength, and hope. By acknowledging our disappointment, finding strength in His promises, and trusting in His sovereignty, we can navigate life's challenges with grace and faith.

Closing Prayer:  
Lord, we thank You for Your unchanging love and faithfulness. Help us to trust in Your plans, even when we face disappointment. Strengthen our hearts and guide our steps, that we may walk in Your light, knowing that You are always with us. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Holy Spirit  
Chat GPT 3.5  
AI Type Keyboard Plus

Dealing with disappointment can be tough, but God offers comfort, strength, and hope. Trust in His promises and sovereignty, and let His love guide you through life's challenges.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Killed Windows Again

Goodbye Windows, Hello Linux - A New Chapter Begins!

It's official – after years of wrestling with Windows, I’ve finally made the switch to Linux, and there’s no turning back! For those who’ve been following my journey, you’ll know that this is a big deal. I've dabbled with Linux on and off, but now I can proudly say that Windows is dead to me. I'm now a bona fide Linux user, fully immersed in the open-source world. The transition has been liberating, and I’ve gained a new sense of control and freedom over my computing environment.

As a writer, the tools and flexibility that Linux offers have been nothing short of amazing. With this new setup, my creativity has been unleashed like never before. I’m diving deep into my latest project, Rebellion’s Dawn, the continuation of Captain Cody's saga. The story is shaping up to be an epic blend of adventure, intrigue, and a touch of the unknown. This, alongside my Christian writings under the pen name Cody - Dei Scriptor, keeps me busy and inspired.

Switching to Linux has not only been about embracing new technology but also about embracing a new mindset. The simplicity, security, and efficiency have cleared the path for me to focus more on my writing, without the usual tech headaches. 

So, here’s to a future full of creative exploration and discovery – with Linux by my side every step of the way. If you’ve been thinking about making the switch yourself, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s not just about running a different OS; it’s about taking control of your digital life.

Stay tuned for more updates on my writing journey and adventures in the Linux world!

Otto Brinkmeier

Othello Cody Verrocchio 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Othello Cody Verrocchio

 My Writing is finally happening, I Otto Brinkmeier, am now writing under the pen name:
Othello Cody Verrocchio.

My First Science Fiction Series is taking shape fast and furious, and sadly there are no car races, it is all about the future, where a young cadet named Cody Wolmann, will become someone you'll love to meet, and meet him you will.

Here is the very introduction straight from the first book Divine Origins:

Hi, Dear Reader,

It’s me, Othello Cody Verrocchio. My real name is Otto Brinkmeier, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to the pages of my first science fiction book in:
‘The Adventures Of Captain Cody Series’. This is the beginning of a seven-book journey titled This being the first book. After ‘Divine Origins,’ you can look forward to six more compelling books: ‘Rebellion's Dawn,’ ‘Galactic Exodus,’ ‘Nebula Uprising,’ ‘Celestial Reckoning,’ ‘Stellar Ascendancy,’ and finally, ‘Beyond Horizons.’

By trade, I’m a qualified Electrical Fitter (Millwright) with eleven years of experience with the South African Railways. I’ve also studied Humanities, Trade Theory, and Art, and hold diplomas in Journalism and Web Design. I am certified to create graphics, work with difficult people, and lead teams.

Being a lifelong Star Trek fan, I love diving into good books, enjoying movies, and dreaming of writing a screenplay. In my Christian writings, I go by ‘God’s Journalist’ or ‘Dei Scriptor’ with the motto: “Lean Not On Your Own Understanding, But Trust God.”

Juelz and I live in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I’m now retired and channel my passion for science fiction into writing. I’m also dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus, creating graphics, and sharing recipes under the name: The A.I. Chef. As a social disk jockey known as “Crazee Otto,” I create music mixes and A.I. music for fun, which Juelz remasters into studio-quality productions.

I can talk about body-building, the Bible, cooking, and crafts for hours. My ultimate goal is to become the best science fiction writer ever and see my books adapted into movies and TV series.

As you begin this literary adventure, let me introduce you to another guide for our journey: Einstein, a sentient artificial intelligence and member of the Directorate of Machines, who will serve as the narrator in the audio-books.

Welcome to Divine Origins. Let’s embark on this extraordinary journey together!

Yours sincerely, Othello Cody Verrocchio (O.C. Verrocchio)

You can follow this blog to keep track of developments

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Heart Of Discipleship


The Heart of Discipleship

In light of our country's major elections just finished, and anticipation running wild, I wanted to create a motivational message, and what better topic than: "In the garden where hope, patience, and love grow, the most beautiful miracles bloom."

In the garden of faith, hope takes root,
Patience waters, love bears the fruit.
In God's time, all things will bloom,
Miracles rise, dispelling gloom.

Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts full of anticipation and trust. As we explore the virtues of hope, patience, and love, we ask for Your guidance and wisdom. Fill us with Your Spirit, that we may grow in these virtues and reflect Your love to the world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Church History: The early church, especially during times of persecution and uncertainty, deeply relied on the virtues of hope, patience, and love. The Apostles, facing immense trials, continually encouraged believers to hold steadfast in their faith. They understood that true strength and resilience came from trusting in God's timing and His immense love for humanity. Their writings and teachings have inspired countless generations to cultivate these virtues in their own lives.

Devotion Content:

Conversion and Acceptance: The journey of discipleship begins with the acceptance of Christ as Savior, marked by conversion. This is the entrance into the faith and Christian life, which goes beyond just saying one is a Christian.

  • "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV)

Baptism: Baptism is seen as initiation and public dedication, marking the beginning of the discipleship journey. It is both a profession and a testimony of faith.

  • "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19, ESV)

Ongoing Growth and Learning: A disciple grows in Christ and continuously learns the precepts of the Bible, engaging in prayer, doctrine, relationship building, Christian living, service, and worship.

  • "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen." (2 Peter 3:18, NIV)

Christian Living: True discipleship involves living a Christ-like life in all matters, not just within the church. This encompasses transformation, repentance, and making God the priority.

  • "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20, ESV)

Service and Love: Disciples are called to love, edify, and serve others as led by God. This includes using their gifts to serve others and fostering relationships within the community.

  • "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." (Galatians 5:13, ESV)

Obedience and Accountability: Obedience to God's will is crucial, which involves submission, surrender, and compliance. Accountability with godly authority is also emphasized.

  • "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." (John 14:15, ESV)

Making Disciples: Disciples are tasked with making other disciples by sharing the gospel, teaching others to think, feel, and act as Christians. This involves both personal growth and helping others grow in their faith.

  • "And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also." (2 Timothy 2:2, ESV)

Church Involvement: Being a part of a Christ-centered church community is important for mutual growth, support, and fulfilling the Great Commission. The process of discipleship is a lifelong commitment and involves active participation in the local church body.

  • "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV)

Since my goal writing as God's Journalist has primarily always been to be obedient to sharing the Good News, I have also been sensitive to sharing what I believe the Holy Spirit is prompting me to share, thus I want to say 💭: In these times of political and social changes, let us remember that our true hope is in God's unchanging nature, our patience is a testament to our faith, and our love is a reflection of His infinite love for us. May we continue to grow in these virtues, bearing witness to His grace and mercy in our lives.

Closing Prayer: Gracious Lord, thank You for the hope, patience, and love You pour into our hearts. Help us to remain steadfast in hope, patient in trials, and loving in all our interactions. May we be beacons of Your light in this world, reflecting Your glory through our lives. In Jesus' precious name, we pray. Amen.


  • Written by Otto Brinkmeier
  • Grammarly
  • AI Type Keyboard Plus

God’s Journalist.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Title: Unveiling the Pen Name: Othello Cody Verrocchio - God's Journalist

By Otto Brinkmeier, Writing as O.C. Verrocchio

Greetings, Dear Readers!

Today, I want to share a glimpse behind the curtain of my writing world. As an author who wears the pen name Othello Cody Verrocchio, I often asked about the inspiration behind this unique alias.

Embracing O.C. Verrocchio: A Fusion of Identity and Creativity

Choosing a pen name is like selecting the perfect palette for a masterpiece. Othello Cody Verrocchio, signed as O.C. Verrocchio, emerged as a fusion of personal history and creative flair. Othello carries a sense of drama and depth, while Cody Verrocchio pays homage to artistic heritage. It reflects my commitment to infuse both drama and artistry into the stories I tell.

God's Journalist: A Divine Calling to Share the Gospel

One facet of my writing persona stands out prominently - when I sign as "God's Journalist." This isn't merely a moniker; it's a profound declaration of purpose. As someone passionate about spreading the Gospel of Jesus, I see my writing as a divine calling. Each word penned under this signature is a testament to my commitment to sharing the teachings and love of Christ through the art of storytelling.

Scripture Reference
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11

Crafting Narratives with a Higher Purpose

Being "God's Journalist" means infusing every story, every character, and every plot twist with the values and lessons found in the Bible. It's about creating narratives that inspire, uplift, and resonate with the profound messages of faith, hope, and love.

As we embark on this literary journey together, let the pages of my works be a canvas where stories and spirituality intertwine, creating a tapestry that entertains and leaves a lasting impact on your heart.

Thank you for being a part of this voyage. Stay tuned for more tales signed by O.C. Verrocchio, in collaboration with 'ChatGPT 3.5'.

Blessings, God's Journalist 🙏 in collaboration with 'ChatGPT 3.5'

Hello Again Readers,

I wanted to share a bit about the inspiration behind my pen names, 'Cody' and 'Othello.' You see, both of them are clever derivatives of my given name, Otto. Now, being someone with a background in humanities and a major in Art, Leonardo da Vinci has always been a significant influence on my creative journey.

Interestingly, da Vinci had a mentor named Verrocchio, and since I draw inspiration from the artistic realms, I decided to incorporate this connection into my pen name. 'Verrocchio' became a meaningful surname choice, reflecting not only my artistic endeavours but also a subtle homage to the mentorship relationship that da Vinci had with Verrocchio.

So, when you come across 'Othello Cody Verrocchio' in my writing, know that it carries a touch of personal history and artistic inspiration. I hope you find this connection intriguing as we explore the realms of creativity together.

I wanted to shed some light on how I approach the use of computerized tools in my writing journey. To me, ChatGPT and Grammarly are like my chisels in the realm of creativity. They help refine and shape my ideas, much like a sculptor wielding a chisel to carve intricate details into marble.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of these tools is deeply intertwined with the skill and intent of the user. Just as in the hands of Michelangelo, a chisel transforms a block of marble into a masterpiece, the impact of AI and other PC tools is significantly influenced by the creative touch of the user.

Having been immersed in the world of computing since I received a VIC 20 back in 1980, I've witnessed the evolution of these tools. They're not standalone entities but rather extensions of creative minds, enhancing our ability to express ideas in novel and exciting ways.

Best, Otto

Sunday, October 29, 2023

News Report October 2023


Tech Maestro Turns Author: Otto Brinkmeier's Journey from Code to Creativity

News Report:

In a remarkable turn of events, renowned tech enthusiast Otto Brinkmeier, also known as Othello Cody Verrocchio in the literary world, has transitioned from a lifetime of digital innovation to embark on a new chapter as an author. Having carved a niche in the tech sphere for over four decades, Brinkmeier's legacy boasts a staggering 130+ websites, a testament to his expertise in web development. His credentials extend to a plethora of diplomas, ranging from online marketing and web design to journalism, demonstrating a broad knowledge base. Not content with conventional accomplishments, Brinkmeier's inventive spirit shines through in his creation of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for both PC and Android platforms, a feat that underlines his versatility in software development. Moreover, Brinkmeier's discerning eye and technical prowess have seen him testing and evaluating hundreds of software packages, highlighting his commitment to efficiency and productivity. At 60 years of age, Brinkmeier is now embracing a new aspiration: to craft captivating narratives and share his wealth of knowledge with the world. This transition is a testament to his enduring passion for learning and his unwavering commitment to personal growth. As Otto Brinkmeier embarks on this literary endeavour, he carries with him a wealth of experience, a trove of technical knowledge, and an insatiable curiosity that promises to breathe fresh life into the world of science fiction literature. His journey stands as an inspiration to all, proving that age is no barrier to embarking on new adventures and chasing one's dreams. Signed, Othello Cody Verrocchio

Othello Cody Verrocchio's Poem

 In days of yore, young Otto's tale began,

With VIC-20, a tech-savvy man. In Standard 8, he learned the score, With BASIC code, he yearned for more. From cassette tapes to screens aglow, He typed away, both fast and slow. Through nights he'd toil, with gleeful glee, In realms of code, wild and free. Now GPT-4, a marvel grand, Spreads far and wide across the land. Meta's realm, with Whatsapp's might, They dance with AI, day and night. Communities and channels sprout, In three short months, a lively rout. Oh, Otto's love for tech, it gleams, A tale fit for the boldest dreams. So let us cheer for Otto's spree, A tech enthusiast, wild and free! In this brave world of ones and zeros, He treads with joy, a true hero! With wit and humour, he does impart, The wonders of this digital art. In Johannesburg, he takes his stand, A pioneer, in tech's vast land.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Who is Otto Brinkmeier Really?

 Otto Brinkmeier is a 60-year-old, South African.

He authors under the Pen Name Of:  Othello Cody Verrochio.

He is the only son of Maria Kruger Brinkmeier 1924-2004 and Wilhem (Otto) Brinkmeier 1911-1982. He was born in Johannesburg, South Africa on 18 January 1963.

He first attended, school at Park Junior School and then at Park Senior School. Doing grade 1 to grade 7 at these schools

He attended High school in 1976, at Sir John Adamson Secondary School.
Where he did grade 8 through to grade 12.

Otto had many influencers that he read about in his studies, if he could be an American president, he would have chosen to be Abraham Lincon

Otto resembles his father Otto Senior in many ways, not just in physical stature, but also in personality and mental capacity.

Otto is a qualified Electrical Fitter (Millwright) by trade.

Who studied: Trade Theory, Humanities and Art.

He holds Diplomas in Journalism and Web Design.
Has been dabbling with and on the internet since 1999.

A Star-trek Fan who loves reading good books.

Enjoys the movies, and dreams of writing a movie script.

Origin of the Nome de Ploum (Pen Name)
Both Othello and Cody are derivatives of his real name Otto
Whereas the Surname is based on that of 
Andrea del Verrocchio, born Andrea di Michele di Francesco de' Cioni, a sculptor, Italian painter and goldsmith who was a master of an influential workshop in Florence. He apparently became known as Verrocchio after the surname of his master, a goldsmith.

Othello's Official Blog is found at

His other Official Blog is found at

PlebDiy™ is part of Plebware Enterprises, the resurrected incarnation of Plebware™, which was hosted by Green Geeks from January 2010 till January 2020

He started his online career in 1999, building numerous websites, creating hundreds of graphics and creating a mountain of written copy.

He also achieved Certificates for Graphic Design, Basic German Language skills, Speaking English Effectively, and Dealing with Difficult People, Otto founded Plebware in 2006 with Jullian De Villiers.

Jullian De Villiers was Born in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In 1985, a year he spent mostly in hospital, thanks to a premature birth.

The result of his drug addict father beating his mother all the way home, from hospital after learning about her pregnancy, Juelz had a rough start.

Juelz (as his friends call him)…

Had a heart operation, and a large portion of his bowls removed; mere hours after birth, due to spending a prolonged time in an incubator, it was later discovered that his eyes were adversely affected by spending, too much time, in the oxygen-rich environment of that Brooder, he called home for nearly a year...

Juelz met Otto in 2006, and they have been together ever since.

Since Juelz also had a severe disposition to having very violent epileptic fits.

He had been on social security for most of his life...Unable to do normal work.

Juelz Joined Otto in 2006 as a co-founder of Plebware.


 Plebware Lives On.

Yes even us lowly Plebs had been hit hard by Corona Virus aka Covert-19

Image Credits - Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay Modified By Otto Brinkmeier

What Happened to Plebware?

As of January 2020 we no longer have our community Site 😞 
Which we had to give up due to financial constraints... Sorry!!
But don't Fear Plebware will continue to function here...
on Blogger and Other Google Sites.

Why has gone?

It is with much sadness 😢 and a sense of excitement 😍 that I am forced to recreate the Plebware Website.
Unfortunately, Covert-19 and the Loss of my daytime Job had forced this transition.

This does not mean Plebware is done and dusted...
As you can see it continues to live on on all the social media platforms
As well as here on Blogger...

Bat Girl Video was Originally created in December 2018 (Still relevant except for Holiday part)

There are plans to create a new Plebware Website in the next year or so.

Dealing With Disappointment 😣

Life, with its unexpected twists, often challenges our expectations. As we grow older, the reality of unmet desires and unfulfilled dreams b...