
 All You Ever Wanted To Know About Plebware's Founder

Otto Wilhelm Friedrich Brinkmeier - Online since 1999

Basic Info

First Names: Otto Wilhelm Friedrich

Surname: Brinkmeier

Date Of Birth: 18th January 1963

Baby Otto - January 1964

 Otto 1 Year Old - 18/01/1964

Present Age: 57 Years 8 Months

General Health Condition: Good

Know Health Conditions:

        1. Reading Glasses Required to read
        2. Sinus infections During cold and flu season or when exposed to Grass
        3. Allergic to Grass Pollen
        4. Hearing Aids (Required for High Pitch Sounds)

Blood Group: AB Negative [Universal Recipient, but can only donate to AB- Group]

3 Year Old - Otto Brinkmeier
3 Year Old - Otto Brinkmeier

What   Can Otto Do?   


๐Ÿ‘‰ Otto's Take On Life๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Skills Otto has been indulging in
   Over the last 20 years

    1. Webmaster
    2.  Web Designer
    3.  Java Script Implementation
    4.  Search Engine Optimization
    5.  Composr CMS (ocPortal) Implementation
    6.  Word Press Implementation
    7. Joomla Implementation
    8.  Facebook Page Implementation
    9.  Facebook Group Implementation 
    10. Twitter Implementation
    11.  Graphic Designer (Look around Site For Examples)
    12.  Book Illustrations
    13.  Book Cover Design
    14.  Logo and Emblem Design
    15.  Internet Marketer
    16.  E-Mail Campaign Creator
    17.  Auto Responder Setup and creation
    18.  Social Media Marketing
    19.  Press Release Compilation
    20.  Copy Creator ๐Ÿ‘‰Click Here To See A Sample๐Ÿ‘ˆ
    21.  Sales Copy Creator
    22.  Tuition Copy Creator
    23.  Documentary Copy
    24.  Historical Copy
    25.  News Copy
    26.  Software Review Copy
    27. PC Power User
    28.  Dynamic Banner Creator
    29.  Flash Movie Creation
    30.  Audio File Format Conversion
    31.  Graphic File Conversion
    32.  Software Compiler And Tester
    33.  SSE Setup Compiler
    34.  Inno Setup Compiler
    35.  Open Source Software Tester
    36.  Data Recovery Technician
    37.  Music Recovery
    38.  Photo and Graphic Recovery
    39.  Document Recovery
    40. Electrical Fitter (11 Years Service at South African Railways)
    41. Retail Installer
    42. Automotive Sound and Security Installer
    43. Security Guard
    44. Car Guard
    45. Theologian
    46.  Disciple Of Jesus Christ
    47.  Announcer of The Gospel.
    48.  Defender Of The Faith.
    49.  Bible Scholar
    50.  Apologetics
    51.  Homiletics 
    52.  Evangelist
    53.  One on One – Evangelism
    54.  Cyber - Evangelism
    55.  Bible Teacher
    56.  Cyber Bible Tutor
    57.  Small Group Gospel Tutor
    58. Team Leader

Otto Brinkmeier’s [Left Right Brain Test]

Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay 

Studies on patients with brain damage have allowed scientists to determine how each side of the brain controls different functions. The left hemisphere, for example, specializes in language skills and logic. The right hemisphere allows us to recognize shapes and faces and express and read. Most people are not likely to be strictly left-brain or right-brained - we use each side of our brain depending on the task we're dealing with. However, some theorists and researchers believe that there may be one side of the brain that we draw on more, which can in turn make the personality traits characteristic of that side of the brain to be more dominant than others.

How to read the results: If you score closer to the right side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically right-brain. If you score closer to the left side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically left-brain. If you score somewhere in the middle, you share characteristics of both sides of the brain.

Overall Result in Otto's Own Words

Both my right and left hemisphere seem to have reached a level of perfect harmony - rather than trying to dominant each other, they work together to create a unique and well-balanced "Me". My spontaneous, impulsive, and free-flowing right brain creates an exciting and adventurous world, while my left brain helps me make sense of it and keep track of everything.

When faced with a problem or a tough decision, I'm not only able to break things down and make an informed and sensible choice, but I'm also not afraid to go with my gut when necessary. I tend to express my individuality both in words and actions, and although I'm perfectly comfortable running on a schedule or planning things ahead of time, there are occasions when I love to throw in a little spontaneity.

My balanced outlook and approach to life creates a desire in me to not only understand the world, but to also take it in both my hands and mold it as I see fit. With both my right and left hemispheres working together to guide me, I am able to understand myself and life in general from so many wonderful perspectives.

Fields Of Studies

High School

1976 – 1978
(Standard 6 – Standard 8) [8th Grade to 10th Grade]

Studied in Practical Course:

 Technical Drawing, Industrial Arts, Maths, Science, Art, English, Afrikaans

Wanted to change courses to acquire a University entrance
Was Not Possible with Practical Course.
So asked to change courses in the 10th Grade,
but was required to repeat the 10th Grade.
To get the proper foundations for the course material.

Motivation was to pursue a career in Computer Sciences

1979 – 1981

(Standard 8 – Standard 10) [10th Grade to 12th Grade]

Studied in field of Humanities:
History, Geography, Science, Mathematics, English, Afrikaans

Did not finish Matric [12th Grade]
Due to Fathers untimely death, and emotionally not able to complete.

My Dad's Passing Hit Me Hard

Technical College

1986 NTC1 – 01/09/1986

Had to repeat as Employer wanted us to start at NTC1
So in effect I did Grade Ten 3 times and passed 3 times
Passed NTC1 with 3 Distinctions [*INDICATES DISTINCTION] and a pass mark for all subjects.

Electrical Trade Theory N1*, 91%

Engineering Science N1*, 91%
Mathematics N1*, 91%

Technical Drawing N1, 79%

Scored the highest marks in the country
Highest Marks of All Railway Apprentices in That Year

1987 NTC2 – 01/09/1987

Was Passed with 2 Distinctions [*INDICATES DISTINCTION] and a pass mark for all subjects.

Electro-Mechanics Theory N2
Mathematics N2
Electronics N2*

Engineering Science N2*

Only achieved 2 distinctions in N2

1987 NTC3 01/05/1989

Was Passed with a pass mark for all subjects.

Electro-Mechanics Theory N3
Mathematics N3
Electronics N3

Engineering Science N3

Achieved No distinction in N3 as the gap between N2 and N3 was too big (Did My Trade Tests in 1988)

Trade Test Certificate (1 Certificate)

Designated Trade: Electrical Fitter (ELECTRICAL MOTIVE POWER)
Dual Trade - Simular To Millwright


Task (Practical Tests)

Possible Total





Fault Finding (Electrical)






Panel Wiring (Electrical)






Basic Fitting (Mechanical)






Basic Electronics (Electrical)
I Later Became very Good at it






Shaft Alignment (Mechanical)






Testing of Circuits (Electrical)











Departmental Test Results (8 Certificates)

Electrical Locomotives Knorr Bremse – Air and Vacuum Brake Systems [PASSED]

Electrical Locomotives Knorr Bremse Vigilance Brake System [PASSED]

Electrical Locomotives Emergency Brake System “J” Type [PASSED]

Electrical Locomotives Brake Equalizing Rate Selector System [PASSED]

Electrical Locomotives Specialized 5M2A Motor Coach Course [PASSED]

Facilitated Quality Awareness Experience FQAE Course [SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED]


The St. John Ambulance Association First Aid Course [SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED]

Online Studies
Alison is a free online education platform that mostly focuses on job-applicable skills. It was founded in Galway,
 Ireland by Irish social entrepreneur Mike Feerick on 21 April 2007.

With nearly 12 million registered learners, 1.5 million graduates, and 1,000 free courses,
 the first ever massive open online course (MOOC) Alison has become one of the world’s largest players in online education
– and one of the world’s largest certifiers of educational and skills attainment.

At the moment, Alison offers 1000 free online courses, it has about 12 million learners and 1.5 million graduates from 195 countries

Alison Evaluation

People Skills:

Being Assertive 60% [Score 6 out of 10]

Otto balances being heard with a willingness to listen

Otto could be an assertive leader under the right circumstances. he'd probably prefer to know the team well already and to lead the team's delivery of specialist tasks which He's also familiar with.

Otto's somewhat assertive, but only to an extent

Trusting Others 40% [Score 4 out of 10]

Otto can definitely be suspicious of the motives and capabilities of others.

Otto may find it hard to give others the freedom that they need to develop their skills.

Otto tends to distrust other people.

Being Persuasive 50% [Score 5 out of 10]

Otto's persuasive skills may be an underdeveloped area that he could strengthen.

Otto is generally happy having a high profile role, depending upon how this appears to others.

Otto's persuasion skills are about average.

Being Positive 60% [Score 6 out of 10]

Otto's somewhat resistant to the disheartening effects of setbacks.

Otto is unlikely to over-commit to challenges, given his more realistic view of his own skill capabilities.

Otto is a fairly positive person, but not overly so.

Thinking Analytically 70% [Score 7 out of 10]

Otto is very analytical, and enjoys analyzing data as well as other people's ideas and solutions.

Otto usually avoids taking things at face value and is good at spotting the flaws in arguments.

Otto is a highly analytical person.

Stress Management 60% [Score 6 out of 10]

Otto probably don't find any work stresses impinging on his home life.

While he is generally fairly calm, particularly important or challenging events may generate a degree of pressure for him.

Otto has an average levels of calmness.

Drive To Succeed 60% [Score 6 out of 10]

Otto is realistic about fitting his career within his overall work-life balance.

Otto does not allow himself to become overly stressed about his career.

Otto is somewhat ambitious, but not to a great extent.

Entrepreneurial Drive 50% [Score 5 out of 10]

Otto is decisive, which as an entrepreneur is key for assessing business opportunities and considering new ventures.

Otto is a driven person, but he probably needs to work on his ability to balance possible risks against potential reward.

Otto has some entrepreneurial drive, but only to an extent.

Self-Control Drive 50% [Score 5 out of 10]

Otto is probably more comfortable at home letting others see his emotions.

There may be times at work meetings when he does't want his colleagues to know whether his response is broadly positive or negative.

Otto has a 'steady pair of hands' with average self-discipline.

Detail Focus 50% [Score 5 out of 10]

Otto's usually quite careful when completing paperwork and generally committed to established work standards.

But he can become demotivated by highly meticulous work and is likely to readily delegate such work to colleagues if possible.

Otto can focus on both bigger picture issues and fine details.

Leading Teams 50% [Score 5 out of 10]

Otto can easily balance listening and instructing.

Otto enjoys both teamwork and working independently.

Otto can take the lead if needed but don't immediately do so.

Work Structure 90% [Score 9 out of 10]

Otto likes to adopt a highly methodical approach to ensure each day's tasks are completed efficiently

Otto prefers to manage issues systematically, so that the highest priority problems are addressed first

Otto clearly prefers a structured and ordered work approach

Independence 20% [Score 2 out of 10]

Making independent decisions is a challenge for Otto.

Otto dislikes working alone, and can sometimes be overly team-dependant.

Otto prefers to work with others, ideally in a close-knit team.

Creative Learning Style 50% [Score 5 out of 10]

Otto probably can excel at developing new ways of looking at problems, especially in his specialist area

Otto can come up with new ideas very easily

Otto enjoys solving problems that require original thought

Personal Mastery 40% [Score 4 out of 10]

Otto may underestimate His own skills and abilities

Otto might downplay his individual contributions to successfully completed tasks too often

Otto lacks some self-assurance in his own skills

Online Courses Passed

Skills for Speaking Effectively: The Art of Speaking
    Score 91% - Completed On 2020-08-19

Basic German Language Skills
    Score 90% - Completed On 2020-07-02

Diploma in Web Business Development and Marketing
Score 97% - Completed On 2020-08-01

Certificate Graphic Design
     Score 85% - Completed On 2020-08-14

Characteristics of the Successful Entrepreneur
     Score 85% - Completed On 2020-08-14

Diploma in Journalism - Revised 2018
     Score 94% - Completed On 2020-08-19

Dealing With Difficult People In Life & Work
     Score 100% - Completed On 2020-08-28

Entrepreneurship: Creating the Business - Revised
     Score 80% - Completed On 2020-08-19

Self Acquired Skills [Self taught]

Graphic Design

Logo Design – 70% Proficient

GIMP Graphic Image Manipulation Program – 60% Proficient

Inkscape – Vector Graphic Development – 30% Proficient

Web Design

CPanel – 90% Proficient

Basic HTML Code – 70% Proficient

Word Press – 80% Proficient

Composer – 80% Proficient

Joomla – 50% Proficient

Dupral – 20% Proficient

Site Pad – 70% Proficient

Desktop Publishing

Libre Office – 80% Proficient

Microsoft Office – 60% Proficient

Corel Word Perfect – 60% Proficient

Lotus Smart Suite – 70% Proficient

Copy Writing

I Have Been Creating Copy for eBook Products for 10 Years or more, creating content for Websites since 1999, My Diploma Course in Journalism, has further increased my Copy Writing skills

1 comment:

  1. wow wow genugtig regte genius,trots op jou


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