Friday, January 1, 2021

Welcome to 2021

 Its is another year

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

My prayer is that we all have a better year in 2021. 

Still, no matter how positive you’re feeling at this moment,
 experts suggest that the negative feelings and experiences associated with
 prolonged isolation will come for us all. 

Humans being social creatures—Especially us Christians, 
keeping away from each other, is difficult at best, and highly traumatizing: 
Even if we put on that Brave Mask.. 

While the corona virus pandemic is an extreme, largely unprecedented moment,
the kind of seclusion that’s been eating at people over the last few months
is not as uncommon an experience as you might imagine. 

The impacts of social isolation on our bodies and minds have been traditionally:
Felt and studied in a variety of different groups, from astronauts to incarcerated people,
 to immune-compromised children, to Antarctic researchers to the elderly. 

John Vincent, A clinical psychologist at the University of Houston says:
“People start getting lethargic when they don’t have positive inputs into their small worlds,” 

Isolation of this type is sure to bring the two kissing cousins:
Depression and Anxiety a running...

The Christian Response

“I hear many whispering,
 ‘Terror on every side!’” (Psalm 31:13). 

In times of crisis we often find it easier to identify with the psalmist.
We, too, keep hearing of the “terror on every side,”
the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) now officially accepted as a pandemic.
The millions of viruses scattered by coughs and sneezes are enemies
“who pursue us,” stealing into our homes and lungs and making those they infect
“objects of dread” to our closest friends: “Those who see us on the street flee from us.”
But the psalmist would have us move past terror to say, “I trust in you, Lord …
 My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies.”

One passage of Scripture to consider is Psalm 91,
which teaches how God takes care of His own.
Take time to read all 16 verses of this precious passage.
To summarize the psalm,
we are told that those who belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ dwell in
the inner sanctum of the presence of God, who protects them as
a mother hen cares for her young under her wings. 
The promise is that no evil shall befall them because God will keep them in all of their ways. 
Through God’s grace, love and mercy,
He will “set them on high” and show them his salvation that involves
the deliverance through whatever may come their way. 
This applies to COVID-19 and all other trials of life.

Martin Luther’s response ... Sorry! My Daddy was a Lutheran.

Vivian Nutton, the esteemed historian of medicine, writes that:
From the fourteenth to eighteenth centuries, 
“A town would experience an epidemic of plague approximately every decade, 
and a serious devastation once in every generation.” 

Disease outbreaks were part of the rhythm of life. 
Those outbreaks caused by bubonic plague were particularly dreadful, 
boasting a fatality rate of 60–90 percent (for COVID-19, it is “only” 1–3 percent).

Martin Luther himself was no stranger to suffering. 
He endured the death of many of his family and friends, 
including some of his own children, and a plethora of personal ailments. 

Indeed, Hess had to write twice entreating Luther for his thoughts, 
because Luther was too ill to reply to the first letter.

Martin Luther’s letter to his friend and fellow pastor Johann Hess, 
in response to Hess’s question, 
“Whether it is proper for a Christian to run away from a deadly plague.” 

Luther himself was no stranger to suffering. 
He endured the death of many of his family and friends, including some of his own children, 
and a plethora of personal ailments.
Indeed, Hess had to write twice entreating Luther for his thoughts, 
because Luther was too ill to reply to the first letter.

In 1527, plague struck Wittenberg — the university town where Luther lived 
— prompting classes to be moved to an unaffected town. 

Yet Luther refused to leave.
He chose instead to venture his life on caring for the sick and dying and transformed 
his home into a makeshift hospital. 
So when Luther gave advice, he knew the consequences and the fear attending them.

For Luther, our loving God hiddenly but surely works for our good 
even in the places we do not expect, including amid the evil of deadly epidemics. 

The fear of bodily illness and death should drive us to pray and to care for our souls, 
remembering that this world is not our lasting home. 
An epidemic is one of many evils that beset us, and we have to take that seriously;
 but the greater evil is the evil within (Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:4). 
Therefore, responding to an epidemic or any other crisis must involve turning from our sins
 — chief of which is the selfish love that gives thought first to self, and only secondly, 
if we can assure our own health and safety, to others.

Luther regarded the epidemic as a temptation that tests and proves our faith and love: 
“our faith in that we may see and experience how we should act toward God; 
our love in that we may recognize how we should act toward our neighbor.” 

Through faith in God and out of love for neighbor, 
Christians must think first how to contribute to the physical and spiritual care of those 
who are vulnerable, self-isolated, sick, or dying. 
Only then did Luther permit Christians to make private decisions about whether to flee. 
In an era without widespread institutionalized healthcare, 
Luther wrote that Christians are under a divine obligation to fill the gap: 
“We must give hospital care and be nurses for one another in any extremity 
or risk the loss of salvation and the grace of God.”

With lives at risk, Luther encourages Christians to find solace in the promises of God. 
The devil tempts us to “horror and repugnance in the presence of a sick person.”
But striking a “blow against the devil is God’s mighty promise by which he encourages 
those who minister to the needy. 

He says in Psalm 41, ‘Blessed is he who considers the poor. 
The Lord will deliver him in the day of trouble’.” 

Therefore, “whoever serves the sick for the sake of God’s gracious promise … 
has the great assurance that he shall in turn be cared for. 
God himself shall be his attendant and his physician, too. 
What an attendant he is! What a physician!”

COVID-19 reminds us that lasting contentment, security and happiness is not to be found in 
the present world but in the world to come. 

As Augustine put it:

As ‘we are saved by hope’, so we are made happy by hope.
Neither our salvation nor our beatitude is here present, but ‘we wait for it’ in the future,
and we wait ‘with patience’, precisely because we are surrounded by evils which patience
must endure until we come to where all good things are sources of inexpressible happiness
and where there will be no longer anything to endure.
Such is to be our salvation in the hereafter, such our final blessedness.

Can God Use the Corona-virus for Good?

God can use the corona-virus for good because God is good.
Contrary to what some are saying, the corona-virus is not
The judgment of God for the sin of the world. Because of God’s great love for us,
Jesus bore not only the judgment of God for sin but also our sickness and disease.

Contrary to what some are saying;
The corona-virus is not the judgment of God for the sin of the world.

Because of God’s great love for us,
Jesus bore not only the judgment of God for sin but also our sickness and disease.

Bad things happen.
Jesus reminded us of that with his words:
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.
In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage
— I have conquered the world”
(John 16:33).

Jesus knew trouble and suffering were already taking place.
Sickness and violence were part of humanity’s history.
But Jesus knew it was going to get worse and humanity had a choice to make.

Power of Choice

We see evil in the world because people make bad choices.
We see good when people make good choices. God uses both.

Joseph’s brothers made a bad choice by selling their brother into slavery.
Joseph chose to believe God was with him and leaned into his faith.
God took the awful thing his brothers did and not only saved the nation of Israel
but also many other nations as well. Joseph spoke about how God used the bad for good. 
“You intended to harm me,
but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”

(Genesis 50:20)

Faith Over Fear

First, as Christ-followers, we need to remember that our God is a
“refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble” (Palm. 46:1).
God has not given us a spirit of fear. We should not panic.
Our Heavenly Father is still the all-knowing, ever-present, omnipotent God.

Second, we need to pray for all those who have been infected, those who will be,
and for their families.
We need to pray for God to deliver the world from this menace to human health and well-being. We need to pray for wisdom, Guidance, and protection for our national, state and local leaders;
 as they seek to fulfill their oaths of office in protecting the citizenry.

Third, we need to take necessary precautions. Listen to the medical experts.
Be informed, sensitive, and wise in the way we approach this pandemic.
In fact, not to do so would be to commit the sin of presumption
(assuming the Holy Spirit will protect you when you disregard prudence and think
 since you are doing the Lord’s work, you can be exempt from sound medical advice). 

For example, if the authorities recommend no meetings of more than a hundred people,
is it presumption for churches to go ahead and have their services in person 
rather than streaming?  No That is disobedience to the Authorities and Ultimately to God.

Our Church has live streaming, if your Church does not, feel free to join us!

We'll be online at 8 am on these Sundays! [GMT+2]

Fourth, don’t do anything knowingly that would put anyone else at risk. 
Seek to help those who need help coping with the aftermath of having the virus or 
having been exposed to it. And during this whole process, as Christ-followers, 
we must always remember and have in our consciousness the Lord Jesus’ command to
“love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31) and 
“to do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Luke 6:31). 
Let’s all pray that when we look back on this crisis, 
That our fellow Christians will see this episode of our history as one that reflects:
credit on the Lord we serve as they see His work in us as we serve them.

Are there incredible business opportunities for 2021 and beyond? 

 The news of job loss and lay off are becoming common.
 Top economists are predicting the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Here are some fields that may hold potential:

360 Degree in Photography & Videography

360 Degree in Photography & Videography is an upcoming business.
 It is an unexplored area with a lot of potentials. 
360 Degree Photograph is video is taken by a special camera with multiple lenses 
or with multiple cameras. also possible using special software
 360 Degree photos and videos are very useful
as it gives a complete view of place  along with all object details.
It has many applications in the business.
You can use it for:
  • event planning, 
  • real estate,
  • landscape designing, 
  • gaming, 
  • entertainment.
  • Blender Projects
I use it in Blender as HDR Images

Examples of business under this area would be –  
  • Selling of specialized camera and video equipment.
  •  360-degree photography and videography
  •  Repair and maintenance of cameras and equipment
  •  Digital image mixing and video making

Cyber Security 

Cyber Security is the evergreen field.
Cyber Security is also known as information security.
It is the practice of securing
computers, servers, networks, and personal devices from hacking and malicious viruses.
The malicious attacks are growing
established process and security infrastructure is required to withstand growing attacks.
Some business ideas in the cyber-security field are –  

  • Information security consultant
  •  Security Infrastructure deployment and maintenance 
  •  IT Security Solutions design and sell

Home Solar Energy Setup 

Solar Energy is a clean energy source.
The solar power generation technology is advancing and getting better.
Solar energy is becoming a choice for everyone due to tax break and saving of money.
Once the solar panel setup is done you need not worry about the electricity bill. 

  • Sell and install solar panels to the individuals home. 
  • Once the setup is completed you can provide maintenance

Online Gaming (Juelz Wants us to look into this)

Online Gaming is most promising and among best future business ideas.
People are crazy about online gaming.
As per estimate online gaming industry is growing @22% every year.
There are more than 35% online gamer across world
With the count of online games, growing every day.

Online gaming business is one of the lucrative business option.
You can make lot of money via online gaming.
You can make your own games.
Alternatively, you can make sell games online as well as work as affiliate marketer also. 

More Ideas

Many of the best small business ideas for 2021 involve an online business model.
Choose a business idea that you are knowledgeable and passionate about.
Before starting a business, determine if there is a demand for what you want to provide.


If you are knowledgeable and passionate about a specific topic (business, social media, marketing, human resources, leadership, communication, etc.), starting a consultant business can be a lucrative option. You can start your consulting business on your own, then grow your business and hire other consultants over time.

Online Clothes Reseller

Those passionate about clothing and/or sales may want to consider starting an online reseller business. Although it takes a lot of time and dedication – and an eye for fashion – this is a great idea that you can start as a side hustle and turn into a full-time resale business. 

Online teaching (Been advised by Sebastian to look into this)

The demand for online education has opened up a wide possibility for entrepreneurs to start their own ventures. Since this is an online business idea, you can choose any subject you are knowledgeable about and teach a course regardless of your location. If you don't have advanced knowledge in any particular subject, you can always consider teaching English as a foreign language online to students overseas.

Cleaning service (Clinton is doing this)

If you like to clean, you can easily turn it into a business. With a few staff members, a host of cleaning supplies and transportation, you can offer cleaning services to homeowners, apartment complexes and commercial properties. Most cleaning services charge between $25 and $50 per hour. Cleaning services are straightforward businesses that require relatively little overhead; you simply need planning, dedication and marketing to get your business noticed.

If you're looking to differentiate yourself from other cleaning services, consider adding premium options like floor waxing or exterior power washing for an additional fee. These services could be the deciding factor between your new cleaning service and seasoned companies that maintain too large a client list to provide that level of cleaning.

Freelance copywriter (One of my Interests)

If you're a natural wordsmith with a bit of marketing knowledge, you can establish yourself as a freelance copywriter. Whether you write blogs, web content or press releases, plenty of companies will pay for your services. You can increase your value by bringing SEO knowledge to the table to help your clients craft a strategy to attack specific keywords that their target audience is already using in their online searches. Most freelance copywriters charge $40 to $50 per hour, but those with expertise in a given vertical could charge even more.

Freelance copy-writing is a great business to run, because as long as you have an internet connection, you can work. It's a business that you can operate from the comfort of your own home, or even from the road if you travel. If you establish a large enough network and gain referrals from satisfied clients, you could even make freelance writing your full-time job.


Mirjam Schilling, Joel Gamble and Nathan Gamble

Danielle Bernock - Contributing Writer

By Richard D. Land, Christian Post Executive Editor 

21 Future Business Ideas 2021 and beyond
Raviraj Parekh September 1, 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Why It Was Quite ON The Southern Front


 Tackling a Tree

On 16 October 2020, Otto and a local tree had a run-in, Otto tripped and head-butted the tree.
Think Otto looks Bad?
You should see the tree...

Not a single scratch.

Needless to say, Otto had a bit of concussion and took some time off.
Apart from the tree incident Ottos laptop also developed a headache, every time.
He tried to do some work, it would overheat and just cut out.

After opening the Laptop up, a wad of dust and fluff had built up, on the heat sink, preventing proper airflow, after giving the machine a good clean we are back in business.

Well constant followers, now you know why things were quiet here on the Southern Front.

Painting For Rochelle

Further More...
Otto was detained for a few days, by this DIY Project.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Friday, October 9, 2020

Writing New Blog Posts

My Techniques For Writing Copy

Constant Followers of mine will know I love inventing terms, and even new words.

That is probably why Plebware has its own dictionary, just a explanation on:

(The Long Blast Technique of Writing, and The Short Blast Technique of Writing)

These are terms I have just coined right now, so please don’t Google them...

If you do Google them, chances are you will end up back here again.

You will soon be able to Download 
Your Own Free Copy Of PlebDictionary™ 2020 Edition

👊👉 Keep Checking Here For Release Date 👈👊

Actually I highly recommend that you do...

Especially if you plan on becoming a constant follower

Expanding an idea

‘Writing New Blog posts are important, as new posts are essential for online success.’

Lets put this differently:

‘Writing new Blog Posts, REGULARLY are essential for online success.’

It is of paramount importance to learn to write well, get the spelling right.
Ensure that the grammar is correct, but more important, does the thing say what it says? That is... is the article true to its intended meaning.

Techniques To Prevent Boredom.

Mental Boredom, or Writer’s Block is a common malady faced by all writers.
It can be over come by using variety, and multiple techniques.

Discover a style that works for you

There are as many writing styles as there are writers, if not more...
There are More!
There are probably two to three times as many writing styles than writers.
Most regular writers have more than one writing style and technique.

Following on, are the techniques I like to use.

Feel free to use it yourself, but most of all, if you do I encourage that you make it yours. Own it! Modify it! Add Your own spin to it.

Separate Writing from proof reading, formatting and type setting.

Method 1 -The Long Blast Writing Method
(My Own Term)

This method I use went I must create something in a hurry,
but I often mix it up too. 
I have used this technique from the early days of being online.

It involves just writing, without stopping. 
Write, write and write, do not stop, to check spelling, just write and write.

Stopping regularly makes writing a tedious matter, especially if you are facing a big deadline.

Stopping regularly also wastes time and breaks your though pattern, as you mess around fixing things

This is especially true for beginners (newbie writers).

Proof read afterwards, but never during, the actual writing process.
This is traditionally or rather academically called Free-Writing


[From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

Free writing has traditionally been seen as a pre-writing technique in academic environments, in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without worrying about rhetorical concerns or conventions and mechanics, sometimes working from a specific prompt provided by a teacher.

While free writing often produces raw, or even unusable material, it can help writers overcome writing blocks and build confidence by allowing them to practice text-production phases of the writing process without fear of censure. Some writers even use the technique to collect initial thoughts and ideas on a topic, often as a preliminary to formal writing. 

History of Free Writing

Dorothea Brande was an early proponent of free-writing.
In her book Becoming a Writer (1934),
she advises readers to sit and write for 30 minutes every morning,
as fast as they can.

Peter Elbow advanced free-writing in his book Writing Without Teachers (1973), and it has been popularized by Julia Cameron through her book The Artist's Way (1992).

Method 2 - The Short Blast Writing Method 
 (My Own Term)

This is a method I use, when:

I must create something, that is almost picture perfect, right from the word go. 

I have used this technique since 2016.

It involves combining proof reading, formatting and type setting, as you write.

Basically this technique can be described like this:

Write a paragraph, stop, check spelling, check grammar, check formatting.

Write the next paragraph, stop, check spelling, check grammar, check formatting.

Method 3 - Make A List
(But Beware Of The Follow On Disadvantage)

Making a list of what you want to write about isn’t a bad starting point.

I have met up with a few of its limitations: 

The Follow On Disadvantage is that whatever word you write down, 

will determine the next word you write down, which in turn effects the next word you write down,

and so on, this can end up being tedious as well as distracting, but it is a technique being taught.

The Governed Structure Disadvantage once you have your list, it’s very difficult to change its order. 

So the entire structure effectively becomes governed by whatever word originally popped into your mind when you sat down to write.

Method 4 - Structured Writing

Structured writing is a form of technical writing that uses and creates structured documents.

The term was coined by Robert E. Horn and became a central part of his information mapping method of analysing, organizing, and displaying knowledge in print and in the new online presentation of text and graphics.

Horn and colleagues identified dozens of common documentation types, then analyzed them into structural components called information blocks. They identified over 200 common block types. These were assembled into information types using information maps.

The seven most common information types are: 








That will be all, for today, I am rather tired, just spent the last 24 hours working.

So I am going to call it a wrap, I will however, continue this thread.

It is the start of content, for the Plebware Doctor Diversity (Plebware Tuition™)

Section of our network, so if you don’t see more of this type of teaching here...

Visit The Plebware Doctor Diversity Blog by clicking here for more lessons like this.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Important Spiritual Message

Please Read This Prayerfully

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Switched Back To The New Facebook Page.

Old was nice, new is not better now.

But by Faith in Jesus it will be...

Brethren I beseech thee, turn to Him in prayer.

For without God we will be dead spiritually.

But possibly even dead physically...

Evil times are upon us, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Now more than ever before.

Not because Facebook Changed its layout,

(Which sucks by the way)

But because we as a Church
(The Body of Christ, I am not speaking about the building, nor the eldership.)
 I am speaking to you fellow believers, Yes the very Bride of Christ
- Awake Oh Church... Rise from thy state of shock.

Just as a real Bride has the Jitters, before is is fetched by her Bridegroom,
we are trembling now, is it in fear? or Expectation?

We are moving into dark times, both as a country, and globally.

Probably more so as a country, we must keep the faith.

Now more than ever before we are called to be Salt.

To be a light that shines for the Gospel;
To walk blamelessly for the honor of:
 The Father, living Christ like lives,
so that we not only become good ambassadors for Jesus Christ our Lord.

But that we become like living Bibles, that shine out to our family,
our friends, our acquaintances, or neighbors, the people in our street.
But also every person we meet or talk to.

Do not be led astray, sometimes we ourselves are the only bibles,
some people will ever get to read.

Besides even if every non-believer had a real bible, and read it every single day.

How could they believe the words contained within the Bible.
If our lives tell a different story, we need to shine.

We need to love, love, love... Even our enemies.

God bless you all. I was especially touched by this brother's message,
Posted on Facebook on the 7th October (Yesterday evening) 

Unfortunately it is in Afrikaans, but those who understand the language,
You need to listen to it. It reflects what I too feel in my heart

Otto Brinkmeier

Friday, October 2, 2020

Onion Rings



 This Onion Ring Recipe Is Kid friendly

Image by infosilproduction from Pixabay 


1 onion (large,sliced into 1 cm thick rounds)
1 1/4 cup plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
3/4 cup breadcrumbs
salt (to taste)
vegetable oil (for frying)


Separate onion slices into rings and set aside.
In a small mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt.
Dip the onion rings into the flour mixture so they are completely coated.
Whisk the egg and the milk, and add into the flour mixture.
Dredge the floured rings through the batter mixture. Drain the excess of the batter off the onion rings by leaving them on a wire rack for a couple of minutes.
Place the breadcrumbs on a plate and cover the onion rings well one by one with the crumbs.
Heat oil in a small saucepan until very hot. Add the onion rings to the oil in batches of 3 or 4. Fry for 2 – 3 minutes.
Remove and drain on kitchen paper.
Season with salt. Serve immediately.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

27/09/2020 - Welcome

 Welcome to Our Blog!

Thank you so very much for stopping by!
My name is Otto Brinkmeier,

together with Jullian de Villiers,
(Juelz as his friends call him)

My Partner and Co-founder, run Plebware.
If Plebware were a Ship, we would be its Crew.
The Plebware Skeleton Crew…

Wait – Just a few minutes. I want to talk to you…
and then you can browse through this Blog,

and Yes perhaps:

You should Bookmark...

[Navigate to the page you'd like to bookmark. Press Command + D or click Bookmarks at the top of the browser window and select Add Bookmark... from the drop-down menu. Select the folder where you want to save the bookmark (A), name the bookmark (B), and then click the Add button (C).]

 This Blog and Our Website

We might even Kiss You

(Apologies to Steve! See Credits Below)

1. No Free Lunch

Initially I was given:
One year’s Free Internet access,

which also included a 5Mb free Website.
That was back in 1999…
I soon learned that there was,

no such thing as a free lunch.
Everything had and has a price…

Coming straight out of a Trade,

and right into Website Development…
Was a daunting experience in the very least…

I found the learning curve to be very steep,

best of all, I had to teach myself.

At 36 years of age, madness set in...

I had decided to make a major career change…
I had this idea, as a matter of fact,

when I was out in the back yard of our house,
in Turffontein, Johannesburg, South Africa,

tinkering in the Garden with my mother…

I was not going to waste a Free Website,

nor the year’s Free Internet Access.
Mum was very supportive,

as it was she who bought me my Very First PC.
Incidentally this Free lunch I mentioned above,

came with that first PC…

2. Out Of Necessity and Love.

A friend of mine, who incidentally was also a school teacher,

asked me;
Why I bothered trying to build Websites,

he had accurately pointed out that,

my spelling was atrocious, my grammar sucked…

and in his opinion suggested:

That I pay a professional to do my copy creation….

This was also in 1999.

Needless to say, I strive under adversity,

and the challenge of improving my English,

drove me harder, I persevered,

today I hold a Diploma in Journalism.

After many years of struggling,

to make a decent existence online, I still get asked;
How are you going to pay the bills, if your website does not

bring in a constant income?
Today it has become pretty much a redundant question

– as far as I am concerned.

Besides I know from passed experience,

that one can make money online…
One can make a comfortable living,

or even make an exceptional living of it.

The reason it has become a rhetorical question,

in Juelz and my situation,

We simply have to make a living online,

since I am now 57 going on to 58,

my days of manual labour were coming to an end,

whether I like it or not.
As far a Juelz is concerned,

with his disabilities he too, has little choice...

The most compelling reason,

and probably the important one is:
We love doing this,

from experience and professional theoretical training,
I know this is a secret for real success.

A common thread of all success stories,

in the online business world is passion and the love of

doing what you want to do.

3. Words Are Good, Integrity Is Even better.

Anyone familiar with online marketing, worth their salt will know:

Words Sell, and that having a real honest reputation,

sells even more.

It has taken me ‘Otto Brinkmeier’ twenty one years,

to build my online reputation.
Those faithful ‘Constant Followers’ of mine,

know I am an honest, hard working, individual. (not a honest *)

These patrons have followed my online career since 1999,

most have been Facebook friends,

since October 2007 when I joined Facebook for the first time.

To succeed online today, more than ever;

Requires Credibility and Integrity.
Something we hold in very high esteem.

A quality set we don’t intend on ever giving up on.
Then there is the matter of our Religious Belief,

as Born Again, Spirit filled followers,

of Jesus Christ, we have no choice in this matter,

for we are commanded by the Word.
To be truthful, upright, honest;

Followers of truth who speak no lies.

4. Skeleton Crew

I hope you like our online efforts, Constant Fan,

I suspect that initially you won’t like it,

as much as you liked our original website,

you might even be frustrated with the lack of content,

I beseech you, please be patient, we are working at it.

Being a two man crew, is not so easy, and thus the title.
Skeleton Crew, which incidentally was inspired by:

A world Famous Author,

Who in my opinion is probably the best author ever...

See Credits Below for details…

But back to Skeleton Crew…
In our case it is imperative that you understand,

we are only two guys that work on this website,

I do most of the copy creation, design the graphics,

edit the text, proof read the articles, make our videos…

Why do I do all the work you may ask, well if you read.
The About Section of this site you will see:
Juelz has many disabilities, like poor eye sight and suffers,

From sever epileptic fits, which limits him greatly.

Juelz does however do all our Audio Production.

He also collaborates with me on what we want to do.
Then in effect I do the roll-out…
What I am trying to say is:
Please be Patient Content is coming…

5. Commercial Is Over

Okay-commercial is over. Take us by the Hand

Meaning… Book Mark This Site Now
Browse around and oh if one of us Kisses you,

in a dark nook of the Internet, it is simply
because We Love You – Our Constant Followers

Enjoy our 2020 online presence…

Yours Sincerely

Otto Brinkmeier


Literary Style of Introduction and Term Skeleton Crew
Adapted from Non other than the legendary
‘Stephen King’ who was born in Portland, Maine,

in 1947. He won a scholarship award to the
University of Maine and later taught English.

In my humble opinion he is the best author in the world.

Definitely one of the best selling authors in the world today

Friday, September 25, 2020

25/09/2020 More Work Done

Online Presence Improving...

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay Edited By Otto Brinkmeier

 Plebware Industries Online Presence improving by the day...

PlebMachine™ now has its own Home Page
PlebChow™ New Home Page Is also Up, as is PlebDIY™
Which can be found at PlebDIY, as well as its YouTube Channel

It is extremely difficult playing catch-up
after loosing a Website and Domain name that was 10 years old.
But I am in high Spirits that things will go well going forward...
It will only be a matter of time before we have a bigger and better,
network than before with with 21 Years Online Experience it will be easier.
That is my advantage, being online since 1999 - Is a Big Plus.

Nevertheless, it is not going to be easy.
Especially having to recreate all the training materials..
Since most of it was on our server, which we no longer can access.

Plebware™ has even gained a few new divisions

New Horizons at PlebWave Frontier HQ

  Plebware Update: New Horizons at PlebWave Frontier HQ Welcome back to the Plebware Blog, where we’re excited to share the latest updates a...