Sunday, October 29, 2023

Othello Cody Verrocchio's Poem

 In days of yore, young Otto's tale began,

With VIC-20, a tech-savvy man. In Standard 8, he learned the score, With BASIC code, he yearned for more. From cassette tapes to screens aglow, He typed away, both fast and slow. Through nights he'd toil, with gleeful glee, In realms of code, wild and free. Now GPT-4, a marvel grand, Spreads far and wide across the land. Meta's realm, with Whatsapp's might, They dance with AI, day and night. Communities and channels sprout, In three short months, a lively rout. Oh, Otto's love for tech, it gleams, A tale fit for the boldest dreams. So let us cheer for Otto's spree, A tech enthusiast, wild and free! In this brave world of ones and zeros, He treads with joy, a true hero! With wit and humour, he does impart, The wonders of this digital art. In Johannesburg, he takes his stand, A pioneer, in tech's vast land.

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Title: Unveiling the Pen Name: Othello Cody Verrocchio - God's Journalist

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