Welcome to Our Blog!
Thank you so very
much for stopping by!
My name is Otto Brinkmeier,
together with
Jullian de Villiers,
(Juelz as his friends call him)
My Partner and
Co-founder, run Plebware.
If Plebware were a Ship, we would be
its Crew.
The Plebware Skeleton Crew…
Wait – Just a few
minutes. I want to talk to you…
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This Blog and Our Website…
We might even Kiss You
(Apologies to Steve! See Credits Below)
1. No Free Lunch
Initially I was
One year’s Free Internet access,
which also included
a 5Mb free Website.
That was back in 1999…
I soon learned
that there was,
no such thing as a
free lunch.
Everything had and has a price…
Coming straight out of a Trade,
and right into
Website Development…
Was a daunting experience in the very
I found the
learning curve to be very steep,
best of all, I had to teach myself.
At 36 years of age, madness set in...
I had decided to
make a major career change…
I had this idea, as a matter of
when I was out in
the back yard of our house,
in Turffontein, Johannesburg, South
tinkering in the Garden with my mother…
I was not going to waste a Free Website,
nor the year’s
Free Internet Access.
Mum was very supportive,
as it was she who
bought me my Very First PC.
Incidentally this Free lunch I
mentioned above,
came with that first PC…
2. Out Of Necessity and Love.
A friend of mine, who incidentally was also a school teacher,
asked me;
Why I
bothered trying to build Websites,
he had accurately pointed out that,
my spelling was atrocious, my grammar sucked…
and in his opinion suggested:
That I pay a professional to do my copy creation….
This was also in 1999.
Needless to say, I strive under adversity,
and the challenge of improving my English,
drove me harder, I persevered,
today I hold a Diploma in Journalism.
After many years of struggling,
to make a decent
existence online, I still get asked;
How are you going to pay
the bills, if your website does not
bring in a constant
Today it has become pretty much a redundant question
– as far as I am concerned.
Besides I know from passed experience,
that one can make
money online…
One can make a comfortable living,
or even make an exceptional living of it.
The reason it has become a rhetorical question,
in Juelz and my situation,
We simply have to make a living online,
since I am now 57 going on to 58,
my days of manual labour were coming to an end,
whether I like it
or not.
As far a Juelz is concerned,
with his
disabilities he too, has little choice...
The most compelling reason,
and probably the
important one is:
We love doing this,
from experience and
professional theoretical training,
I know this is a secret for
real success.
A common thread of all success stories,
in the online business world is passion and the love of
doing what you want to do.
3. Words Are Good, Integrity Is Even better.
Anyone familiar with online marketing, worth their salt will know:
Words Sell, and that having a real honest reputation,
sells even more.
It has taken me ‘Otto Brinkmeier’ twenty one years,
to build my online
Those faithful ‘Constant Followers’ of
know I am an honest, hard working, individual. (not a honest *)
These patrons have followed my online career since 1999,
most have been Facebook friends,
since October 2007 when I joined Facebook for the first time.
To succeed online today, more than ever;
Requires Credibility
and Integrity.
Something we hold in very high esteem.
A quality set we
don’t intend on ever giving up on.
Then there is the matter of
our Religious Belief,
as Born Again, Spirit filled followers,
of Jesus Christ, we have no choice in this matter,
for we are commanded
by the Word.
To be truthful, upright, honest;
Followers of truth who speak no lies.
4. Skeleton Crew
I hope you like our online efforts, Constant Fan,
I suspect that initially you won’t like it,
as much as you liked our original website,
you might even be frustrated with the lack of content,
I beseech you, please be patient, we are working at it.
Being a two man
crew, is not so easy, and thus the title.
Skeleton Crew, which
incidentally was inspired by:
A world Famous Author,
Who in my opinion is probably the best author ever...
See Credits Below for details…
But back to Skeleton
In our case it is imperative that you understand,
we are only two guys that work on this website,
I do most of the copy creation, design the graphics,
edit the text, proof read the articles, make our videos…
Why do I do all the
work you may ask, well if you read.
The About Section of this
site you will see:
Juelz has many disabilities, like poor eye
sight and suffers,
From sever epileptic fits, which limits him greatly.
Juelz does however do all our Audio Production.
He also collaborates
with me on what we want to do.
Then in effect I do the
What I am trying to say is:
Please be Patient
Content is coming…
5. Commercial Is Over
Okay-commercial is over. Take us by the Hand
Meaning… Book Mark
This Site Now
Browse around and oh if one of us Kisses you,
in a dark nook of
the Internet, it is simply
because We Love You – Our Constant
Enjoy our 2020 online presence…
Yours Sincerely
Otto Brinkmeier
Literary Style of
Introduction and Term Skeleton Crew
Adapted from Non other than
the legendary
‘Stephen King’ who was born in Portland,
in 1947. He won a
scholarship award to the
University of Maine and later taught
In my humble opinion he is the best author in the world.
Definitely one of the best selling authors in the world today